4 Reasons Why Young People Leave the Start Now Facebook and Twitter

4 Reasons Why Young People Leave the Start Now Facebook and Twitter
4 Reasons Why Young People Leave the Start Now Facebook and Twitter - If we look back to the past 7-8 years we may still find a lot of young people who are still active and liked to use #Facebook and Twitter. But if you observe this time then you will find that the trend in the use of social media Facebook and Twitter have changed.

If the first two are still the preferred social media and often played by young people, but slowly now many of them have already left. So these two social #media was currently dominated by the consumer among older adults, those aged 30 years and over. So what things or causes that make this group of young people leaving Facebook and Twitter? Here's his review.

4 Reasons Why Young People Leave the Start Now Facebook and Twitter

1. Have 'Toys' New More Fun

The grounds and the first cause that makes young people now leave Facebook and Twitter are their 'toys' new, more exciting and fun. Yes, as we all know that year after year the new social media is emerging.

Well this is where netizens young people increasingly have the option to bersosial media. Some of the new social media that is now increasingly popular at the same time undermine the existence of Facebook and Twitter among youth is #Instagram. Instagram is a social media-based images are revealed increasingly filled by young people. They prefer Instagram due to the visual content displayed Instagram does not need any frills text length.

Additionally in Instagram was no room to discuss the tumultuous politics, campaigning or pouring serious thoughts nan complicated. Although currently Instagram began to fill with as many ads as wandering to and fro but Kevin Systrom creation of social networking is still the favorite choice.

2. Favor Content Deployment In Intimate

Rather than divide and distribute content in bulk, this time young people are more comfortable to select a content deployment intimately. Then the right choice for this is social media that has such features like Snapchat, WhatsApp, iMessage, Messenger or Line. While social media is spreading the mass content such as Facebook and Twitter was abandoned.

In August 2015 Pew Research report yesterday noted by 49 percent of users #smartphone aged 18 to 29 years of active use chat applications such as WhatsApp, iMessage, Messenger or Line. In another Pew Research data also recorded as many as 41 percent of teens use application that has the ability to automatically remove content, such as Snapchat. Only 22 percent use LinkedIn and 32 percent use Instagram.

Uniquely abandonment of Facebook and Twitter is not that they do not have a Facebook and Twitter account. Actually they have an account yet because they do not attract more young people actively using it is very rare.

3. Facebook and Twitter Nuance Tua

The third cause of young people leaving Facebook and Twitter is the second nuance existing old social media. According to them when they use Facebook and Twitter they will be lazy and awkward when meeting the parents, aunt, uncle or even their grandmother who asked friends on Facebook.

From there the young people feel free to express, shy, and awkward to be using Facebook or Twitter. According to data from the Pew Research, indeed Facebook and Twitter users have a user at the age of 65 years on a large enough percentage is 48 percent.

4. Content Embarrassing Characteristically Eternal

Lastly, the causes and the reasons young people leave Facebook and Twitter is the content that is timeless in Facebook and Twitter. Indeed, what's with timeless content? According to them youth is eternal content available on Facebook and Twitter have made them embarrassed to be seen again or read others.

Not only the content of a post or status but the content of the photos you've uploaded a few years ago according to them makes them very embarrassed if he saw her again or seen by others. But if he uses social media such as Snapchat, then they can split the silly things for later automatically deleted within 24 hours.

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